Adelaide Fredrich fundraising for TAC Members

Adelaide Fredrich

Fundraising for:
TAC Members

From Adelaide Fredrich

I'm a member of the Teen Advisory Council and I'm raising money for Youth Resources on #YRday!!

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About Me

I've been involved with YR since my freshman year. I joined my high schools TEENPOWER club and I loved it! I also attended TEENPOWER camp this past summer and grew to love YR even more. I joined TAC my freshman year of high school as well and I've had an amazing experience with it. YR has helped me grow as a person, grow in my leadership skills, and learning about the effects of drugs and alcohol. I love the community, support, and all of the people at YR. I love everyone's willingness to be there for one another and work towards doing our best to support each other and stand up for what we believe in.

More Info

The Teen Advisory Council (TAC) began in 1988 with 12 students and now has over 100 high school members who meet at 5:55am every other Friday morning during the school year. TAC engages students from area high schools in youth-led leadership development and community service projects. The Council collectively contributes thousands of hours of service annually within our community. As TAC members, students plan and facilitate collaborative projects involving diverse community organizations, encourage civic responsibility among their peers, develop relationships with positive adult mentors, and build a stronger local community through their active leadership

TAC is led by an Executive Committee made up of elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Historian) and the co-chairs of TAC’s nine committees. These high school students prepare all business of the Council and foster the success of their member-peers.

Serving on the Teen Advisory Council prepares students for the challenges they will face in the future as college students, employees, employers and volunteers while encouraging them to be a positive force in our community today.

What is YR Day?

YR Day is a 24-hour online party and fundraising event for YR and the people who make YR possible (that’s you). Whether you’re a student, alumni, parent, volunteer or just a fan with a special place in your heart for YR - this celebration is for you!

Now, you might be asking, “If YR Day is a celebration for me, then why am I being asked to give?” 

The truth is, the life changing programs that YR provides to area youth are largely dependent on private support. So while celebrating YR’s present and past is definitely worthwhile, it’s also our responsibility to look ahead to future students. Their YR experiences are not yet guaranteed, which is why we ask for your help.

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