Making Life Easier for 60 Million Persons with a Disability

Making Life Easier for 60 Million Persons with a Disability

From Quintan Gatse

We are seeking funds to make the lives of people with disabilities so much easier by providing them with a platform, that will allow them to shop with their favorite local vendor from the comfort of their car.

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There are 60 million persons with a disability in America today. 

Many shops and malls are not designed with accessibility in mind. This can make it difficult for people with physical disabilities to navigate the environment, including narrow aisles, stairs, high shelves, insufficient signage, untrained staff, and even doors that are not wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs or mobility scooters. These barriers can prevent people with disabilities from enjoying the same shopping experience as their non-disabled peers, leading to social isolation and exclusion.

When people with a disability go out to shop today, and still must lug around a heavy Mobility Device to shop, this makes shopping and traveling even harder. How many trips can you make before you get tired of doing that 2-3 times each time you go out?

Persons with disabilities on many occasions, must include family and friends to go with them to help them shop because they can’t do for themselves.

Can you believe that there are still many business, malls, shopping centers who still do not have ramps for persons with disabilities to shop? This is horrible. Far too long have the community of people with disabilities been ignored. What makes shopping even worse for people with a disability is the negative attitudes many of them get from staff or other customers, which can make them feel unwelcome or discouraged from accessing shopping.

Many people with a disability are craving a fun, easy, safe and more secure way to shop and or enjoy a meal, and we are providing it.

At curbsidemall, we have created a mobile platform that gives any person with a disability anywhere in the world, to include vets, a great way to shop. Not only for a meal, but for everyday products and services, for you, your car, your home, for your family and friends, anything. What a great tool.

At curbsidemall, we have made it easy, fast, safe and secure for persons with a disability in any community to place an order with any local merchant in your community, but from the comfort of their cars. No more is lugging a disability device from store to store necessary. Furthermore, we have up to 5 great delivery options, that will give persons with a disability a choice on how to receive their products or services using our platform. For example:

Our Carhop Feature: With our Carhop feature, this feature will allow any restaurant in the world to operate like a Sonic Restaurant, like a Carhop. Where a person with a disability can park in a designated location, use our platform, curbsidemall, to select, pay for and receive items they want, and all from the comfort of their car. 

How does it work?

Step 1: Persons with a disability would first park in a designated location, decided by the merchant they want to do business with. Usually right in front of the store.

Step 2: As a customer, you would have access to that merchant’s entire inventory or menu items. Review it now.

Step 3: Select the items that you want to purchase and place them in a shopping cart on our platform.

Step 4: Pay for the item, using our platform. We will process the order for you. After payment, you will receive a 6 digit Customer Confirmation Code.

Step 5: Then that order is automatically sent and received by the merchant inside for processing. That merchant sends a notification to their customer that the order has been received and will be processed.

Step 6: Within the time given, the merchant will bring the order out to the person with a disability, parked in the designated parking space, and ask them, “What is your Customer Confirmation Code?

Step 7: Customer will say, “467378.” The merchant will then enter that Customer Confirmation Code into their cell phone for instant confirmation.

Step 8: Once Customer Confirmation Code is confirmed, merchant receives funds instantly. Merchant will immediately hand the persons with a disability their product, service or food. We earns a few pennies for that transaction after it is completed, everybody is happy!!

Now, persons with a disability have an awesome tool to make their lives so much easier.

The same process can be applied to 2 of the other Delivery Options, which include:

In-Store Pick up

Curbside Delivery

Though Home Delivery is available as well, after we’ve enrolled a minimum of 50 merchants within a given city, we have a, “Get out your car and enjoy a great meal,” delivery option that is out of site for the persons with a disability who wants to actually get out of their car to enjoy a great meal, but you must join the site to enjoy this feature.

Why do we need the money?

It has taken us almost 8 years to develop this platform and we are self-funded. No Investors Fund, No Angel Investors, No Securities Funds, all self-funded. However, after 8 years with a pivot for COVID 19, we are short of being able to launch our platform in each state and city in the world who can benefit from our platform.

After 8 years, we are still working on features to improve our platform, to include voice recognition ordering, and other features that can benefit the communities of people with disabilities. Our platform is 95% completed, though we know technology is always evolving, but it works and can make the lives of people with disabilities so much easier but we need your help.


Help make life easier for 60 million people with a disability.

Help us make life easier for 60 million people with a disability.

Our Returns and Exchange Module is so simple to use.

You do not have to leave your car to shop or enjoy a great meal

No special equipment to purchase to use our platform.

Carhop – Stay in your car

4 Great delivery options

Great way for people with a disability to even earn money. 


We have developed a great platform for people with a disability. We would appreciate your help in assisting us in its' completion. Approximately 60 million persons with disabilities are counting on us. Help us get it to them.Thank you!

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