Mobility Aids for Angelique

Mobility Aids for Angelique

From Angelique Ahrens

Mobility aids to help me support my hyper mobile joints and gain muscle to not have to use my wheelchair as my only option.

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   I've been disabled since 2020 from an autoimmune disease and a number of syndromes that cause chronic pain and many issues lowing my quality of life. 

In 2022 I was bedridden for a few months as the diagnosis and treatment of my POTS was underway. This event plus the general nature of hEDS and dysautonomia, has left me with very low muscle tone and low strength in my body. I received my custom wheelchair in 2022 and it has been a great relief from muscle, nerve, and joint pain so I can leave the house and regain much of my independence.

Since last year I have been on a strict Auto-Immune Protocol diet and my autoimmune disease inflammation has been under control and my joint/nerve/muscle pain is at an all time low. This has allowed me to start to strengthen my body again and use my wheelchair with less regularity around the house. There is a still a long journey ahead. To be able to get on my feet (literally) and walk without the pain of dislocations in my knees, I need to get additional mobility aids.

 The first of these being SmartCrutches- forearm crutches designed for people with hEDS to give me support when out of my chair and help me to walk longer and on more adventurous terrains. The second would be a pair of knee braces designed with the hinged design to help the over extending and subluxation of my knees. Contrary to popular belief that braces make muscles weaker, they are better than not using the joints at all because of the pain. These two aids are not cheap and total around 700$.

The last 30% of this fundraiser would be spent on miscellaneous mobility aids such as compression gloves for my hands (to help the cramps and pain when I’m writing or crocheting), compression stockings which average around 100$ a pair for my blood flow issues in my legs, and extra physical therapy appointments as my insurance only covers a few sessions. (as well as paying the fundraising website fees)

Any small amount that you can give would support my journey and I’m hoping 2024 will be the year I can be up and walking around without the constant pain and dislocations I’ve been struggling through for the last 4 years. Thank you for reading and following along my disability journey!

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