Get Baylor Quidditch to Nationals

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Get Baylor Quidditch to Nationals

From Baylor Quidditch Association

Baylor Quidditch has worked so hard to qualify to play in Nationals among the best around the country, and now we need your help to get us there! Please help us with small donations or even simply sharing this post!

Baylor Quidditch Association

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J.E. & Linda Soudek commented with a $100 donation:
over 5 years ago
Good luck everyone and go Shane!! Steffi, I’ve always heard neon colors bring good luck! ??????????????????
Nancy Quincy commented with a $25 donation:
over 5 years ago
Leave Ian's luscious locks alone!!!
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation:
over 5 years ago
Shane Soudek - May his rainbow hair turn out better this time or I want my money back. I hear bleaching your hair before dyeing it helps.