Loki’s Forever Home

Loki’s Forever Home

From Amber Sneiderwine

I am raising money due to the sudden devastating news we have to put our family cat to sleep, cremate him, cover costs of his urn and memorial jewelry that holds some of his ashes for my daughter and I.

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Amber Sneiderwine posted a new update:
3 months ago

Update #3

Loki and I wanna say thank you to the donations we have so far it’s reached 10% of our goal to help cover the costs of his end of life and memorial. We appreciate the kindness in each donation or share or kind message sent. Thank you so very much!

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Amber Sneiderwine posted a new update:
3 months ago

Update #2

Tonight we are snug on the couch watching a movie together. Just him and me the kids in bed. I’m trying to take a billion pictures and memorize details and oh how I have cried watching him just sit there cozy with me. I keep hissing him and saying Loki I love you baby you are such a good boy but those things don’t seem like enough …. I want him to know without a doubt just how loved he is. And just how much I am going to miss him.

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Amber Sneiderwine posted a new update:
3 months ago

Update #1

Having a really hard day knowing this will be one of our last ones! I am ganna miss the sound of your purr so much.

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